An ad to launch the new Levi's "Go Forth" campaign. Showing B&W images of middle America set to Walt Whitman's poetry.
Now a couple of old Levi's B&W ads
Filmed in reverse and showing how the brand can take you from one world to another.
Watch closely and you can see that the shop keeper at the beginning is actually the girl's father at the end!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Diary = Super Strength In Animals!
A new campaign from South Africa trying to teach consumers about the health benefits they can get from Dairy.
Don't know what inspired them to highlight these benefits through showing the impact of feeding dairy to animals, but I guess if it works this well for chickens, sea gulls and tortoises, why not us!
Don't know what inspired them to highlight these benefits through showing the impact of feeding dairy to animals, but I guess if it works this well for chickens, sea gulls and tortoises, why not us!
OK, Fruit Gushers WTF Is This About...
A new ad for Fruit Gushers. Looks like a tripped out 80s German kids talk show.
Not really sure who this is targeting, but if they are trying to follow the whole "good random" trend in tween marketing they certainly achieved it with this!
Not really sure who this is targeting, but if they are trying to follow the whole "good random" trend in tween marketing they certainly achieved it with this!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
British PSA Against Texting and Driving
Ok. This is quite graphic. But that is the point.
We all know that we shouldn't be using our cell phones while driving, but I think it takes a video like this really hit home why we shouldn't.
Put together by a BBC producer & director, this video is part of a larger drama produced for the Gwent Police Department (just outside of London).
Here is some footage of MSNBC discussing the PSA. Sounds like it is already quite a hit (no pun intended). Donny Deutsch even pipes at 2:30 with his thoughts.
We all know that we shouldn't be using our cell phones while driving, but I think it takes a video like this really hit home why we shouldn't.
Put together by a BBC producer & director, this video is part of a larger drama produced for the Gwent Police Department (just outside of London).
Here is some footage of MSNBC discussing the PSA. Sounds like it is already quite a hit (no pun intended). Donny Deutsch even pipes at 2:30 with his thoughts.
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Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Jason And The Guy From Scream - Now Friendlier Than Insects!
Japanese 'Playface' PS3 Spot
Capturing faces while playing on a PS3... some of them get quite awkward.
Looks like this video is actually 4 :15 second ads spliced together.
Looks like this video is actually 4 :15 second ads spliced together.
New Tourism Victoria Ad
Don't know what it is that caught my eye about this spot but the more I watch it the more I have no idea what its trying to sell about Victoria... have they created a magical land that farm girls can become socialites? Or is it a place where rich socialites can abandon their hard lives and live in a quaint village?
Or maybe its just saying that Victoria is a place where you can forget about your life's issues and become whomever you want.
Regardless of my complete confusion the ad is visually pleasing - Enjoy!
Or maybe its just saying that Victoria is a place where you can forget about your life's issues and become whomever you want.
Regardless of my complete confusion the ad is visually pleasing - Enjoy!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Sea Monkeys Are Back!
Looks like our favorite brine shrimp pets of yesteryear are back! Although I have to admit that I never saw the originals, I imagine these ads were inspired by the brand's comic book print ads of the 70s
There is also a new website that allows you to create your own virtual tank! You can even add faces to your pets (which could get very creepy...)

There is also a new website that allows you to create your own virtual tank! You can even add faces to your pets (which could get very creepy...)

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Come Play! in 2018
An ad for Australia's bid for the FIFA world cup in 2018 (or if that wont work... 2022). A ball is passed from one group to the next as it travels across the country.
Nicely done! It's great to see how they incorporated the spirit of the world cup and its ability to bring people together.
Nicely done! It's great to see how they incorporated the spirit of the world cup and its ability to bring people together.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
She Hits The Chocolate HARD For Fruits Sack!
A new campaign for Nestles Cranberry Raisinets featuring "sassy" talking grapes hatin' on the new girl in town.
Looks like there is more to come - I'm sure the drama will continue!
Looks like there is more to come - I'm sure the drama will continue!
Times of India: A day in the life Chennai
A new ad for the Times of India taking place in the Detroit of South Asia - Chennai.
Although I don't know how accurate it is, the video does show what appears to be the many different sides to the city... all set to a soundtrack describing the rise and fall of a celebrity (someone from Kollywood)?
Although I don't know how accurate it is, the video does show what appears to be the many different sides to the city... all set to a soundtrack describing the rise and fall of a celebrity (someone from Kollywood)?
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Knorr Kicks Out Salty
As much as I hate sodium I feel bad to kick Mr Salty out into the rain! Is Unilever trying to make us feel bad for not wanting salt in our diet?
If the mnemonic didn't pull at my heart strings I might feel a little better about trying to be healthy (if that can be achieved while still eating Side Kicks!), but at this point I just feel like a jerk...
Thanks Knorr!
If the mnemonic didn't pull at my heart strings I might feel a little better about trying to be healthy (if that can be achieved while still eating Side Kicks!), but at this point I just feel like a jerk...
Thanks Knorr!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Women in Bikinis Reading Star Wars = Sales?
Not sure how 1690 Swimwear plans on using these ads to sell bikinis to ladies but I'm sure they will help to increase their brand awareness with a ton of boyfriends!
The new "Bikini Cinema" campaign features ladies reading scripts of some of the greatest movies of all time! Portions of Star Wars, Pulp Fiction & The Big Lebowski are all read by women who are wearing what are presumably bathing suits sold by 1690 Swimwear.
Here is the Big Lebowski spot. Star Wars and Pulp Fiction can be found on YouTube.
The new "Bikini Cinema" campaign features ladies reading scripts of some of the greatest movies of all time! Portions of Star Wars, Pulp Fiction & The Big Lebowski are all read by women who are wearing what are presumably bathing suits sold by 1690 Swimwear.
Here is the Big Lebowski spot. Star Wars and Pulp Fiction can be found on YouTube.
:30 Seconds new :60 Second Spots
Well one of the spots I posted below is :90 Seconds. Either way, here are some new ads supporting the Australian TV Comedy ":30 Seconds." According to wikipedia:
"30 Seconds is an Australian comedy series produced for The Comedy Channel a cable and satellite channel. The series is about 'the moral dilemmas people face, heightened by the excesses of the advertising industry..."
From the ads the show looks funny and quite accurate. A couple other executions can be founds online, but these were my favourite!
"30 Seconds is an Australian comedy series produced for The Comedy Channel a cable and satellite channel. The series is about 'the moral dilemmas people face, heightened by the excesses of the advertising industry..."
From the ads the show looks funny and quite accurate. A couple other executions can be founds online, but these were my favourite!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Because A Lot of Things Keep You Out Of The Sun
VW Supports Its Support of Independent Film
A new campaign for Volkswagen has come to market. Each execution show how everyday people have been inspired to change their lives by watching and connecting with characters from major motion pictures. From what I have heard these ads will be running in theatres which seems like a proper forum to engage consumers with this type of message.
Of the ads in the campaign my favorite has to be the the Big Lebowski "Dudeism" spot. It features a man who, after much soul searching, decides to follow in the foot steps of The Dude.
Very inspiring.
Others show how a kid's love of Willy Wonka inspired him to become a magician and how the story of Rocky ignited a man's passion for power lifting.
Of the ads in the campaign my favorite has to be the the Big Lebowski "Dudeism" spot. It features a man who, after much soul searching, decides to follow in the foot steps of The Dude.
Very inspiring.
Others show how a kid's love of Willy Wonka inspired him to become a magician and how the story of Rocky ignited a man's passion for power lifting.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
A Stalker's New Best Friend
Omex has a new campaign supporting its wide angle lenses in India. Looks like they are so wide that you can now freely take pictures of unsuspecting subjects (or take a nice picture of a pigeon with some strangers stuck in the corner).
Adland also points out that Leica used a very similar idea to support its "extra wide" lens line. They also point out that both campaigns were longlisted for Cannes in the same year!

Adland also points out that Leica used a very similar idea to support its "extra wide" lens line. They also point out that both campaigns were longlisted for Cannes in the same year!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
yellowBird... Reinventing Streaming Video?
yellowBird. A company with some very interesting video capturing technology. By stitching video captured from 6 cameras they are able to cover all possible viewing directions and put the viewer in control of where they want to look.
I can only imagine where this technology is going to be applied. Being placed in the middle of a sports game, virtual tours of sites, homes, hotels or, as featured in the example below, allowing folks to be placed in the middle of a music festival.
Really looking forward to "seeing" more things from this company
Check out their website (with a reallly long URL) for more info and a nice intro video!
I can only imagine where this technology is going to be applied. Being placed in the middle of a sports game, virtual tours of sites, homes, hotels or, as featured in the example below, allowing folks to be placed in the middle of a music festival.
Really looking forward to "seeing" more things from this company
Check out their website (with a reallly long URL) for more info and a nice intro video!
LA Gear is Back!
Looks like 80s shoe maker LA Gear is back! And this time they are pulling out all the stops by using 8bit video games, Boom Boxes and a guy wearing a pimp hat.
Here are a few TV ads from their "Battle for the 2008ies" campaign.
Hippity Hopps
Stick and Move
Here are a few TV ads from their "Battle for the 2008ies" campaign.
Hippity Hopps
Stick and Move
When Life Gives You a Lemon...
Lemonade, a documentary about how 15 agency folks have transformed their lives after being laid off during the current economic downturn.
"More than 70,000 advertising professionals have lost their jobs in this Great Recession. Lemonade is about what happens when people who were once paid to be creative in advertising are forced to be creative with their own lives."
Sounds depressing, but it may reveal that being fired can sometimes be a positive force in one's life and career... just look at what happened to Steve Jobs!
"More than 70,000 advertising professionals have lost their jobs in this Great Recession. Lemonade is about what happens when people who were once paid to be creative in advertising are forced to be creative with their own lives."
Sounds depressing, but it may reveal that being fired can sometimes be a positive force in one's life and career... just look at what happened to Steve Jobs!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
The British Army. Now Taking Lead From Guy Ritchie.
OK. I can understand the FA paying homage to Guy Ritchie's Nike ad, but now the British Army? I hope they didn't see this as original.
Have consumers become so basic that we actually have to put them (as the viewer) into every situation just so they can get the "that could be me" message?
Have consumers become so basic that we actually have to put them (as the viewer) into every situation just so they can get the "that could be me" message?
Friday, August 7, 2009
The Next Level... Now Made Accessible
Although I am a fan of the Guy Ritchie Nike football ad, I can see how some folks may have found it a little exclusive. Not everyone falls into the life of a football super star.
To bring the concept back down to earth the FA came out with this ad that nicely captures the "life" of average joe football player.
To bring the concept back down to earth the FA came out with this ad that nicely captures the "life" of average joe football player.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
The late Paul Arden (former creative director of Saatchi & Saatchi) included this in his book "Whatever you think think the opposite."
Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination.
Devour films, books, music, poems, photographs, conversations, dreams, trees, architecture, street signs, clouds, lights and shadows.
Select only things to steal that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic.
Authenticity is invaluable.
Originality is non-existent.
Don’t bother concealing your thievery – celebrate it if you feel like it.
Remember what Jean-Luc Goddard said: ‘It’s not where you take things from – it’s where you take them to.’
I'm not sure what it is but every time I read this I'm inspired to take in the world and make it my own.
To make it even better Arden claims to have stolen this from Jim Jarmusch (who possibly stole it from someone else).
Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination.
Devour films, books, music, poems, photographs, conversations, dreams, trees, architecture, street signs, clouds, lights and shadows.
Select only things to steal that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic.
Authenticity is invaluable.
Originality is non-existent.
Don’t bother concealing your thievery – celebrate it if you feel like it.
Remember what Jean-Luc Goddard said: ‘It’s not where you take things from – it’s where you take them to.’
I'm not sure what it is but every time I read this I'm inspired to take in the world and make it my own.
To make it even better Arden claims to have stolen this from Jim Jarmusch (who possibly stole it from someone else).
Nike Football + Guy Ritchie = "The Next Level"
An oldie but one that is still worth sharing.
I love how even without "branding" this ad we still know that Nike is the one taking football to the "next level."
Guy Ritchie being placed behind the camera doesn't hurt either!
I love how even without "branding" this ad we still know that Nike is the one taking football to the "next level."
Guy Ritchie being placed behind the camera doesn't hurt either!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Walter Landor on Branding & Design
I saw this video on the Landor website a little while back. I think it has been taken down so I thought I would embed it here.
Although a little long, I thought it provided a nice look into the mind of a true industry pioneer. The images of the companies old headquarters on the San Fransisco harbour aren't bad either!
Although a little long, I thought it provided a nice look into the mind of a true industry pioneer. The images of the companies old headquarters on the San Fransisco harbour aren't bad either!
New Scientology Campaign
When I first saw these ads they made me think of the Visa "GO" campaign. Very aspirational, but lacking a little 'je ne sais quoi.'
Although the visuals are nice, one issue I have with this campaign is that it does not really address the current state of the Scientology "brand" - besides associating them with some Hollywood a-listers and a few bad sci-fi novels, few people know what they are about!
I guess this is the issue with these types of campaigns... Although they may help consumers feel good about a brand, they really don't help them with their familiarity issues. Perhaps brands in this situation should focus on building a solid base of consumer knowledge before they move up the hierarchy and try to connect with folks at an emotional level... Either that or hope that a lot of people will be intrigued enough to search for more info on their own (their website is nicely presented to those that sit through the entire spot!).
Who knows, maybe this type of product works differently - Its not everyday that you see a religion trying to acquire 'new users' through television advertising.
The Search
Although the visuals are nice, one issue I have with this campaign is that it does not really address the current state of the Scientology "brand" - besides associating them with some Hollywood a-listers and a few bad sci-fi novels, few people know what they are about!
I guess this is the issue with these types of campaigns... Although they may help consumers feel good about a brand, they really don't help them with their familiarity issues. Perhaps brands in this situation should focus on building a solid base of consumer knowledge before they move up the hierarchy and try to connect with folks at an emotional level... Either that or hope that a lot of people will be intrigued enough to search for more info on their own (their website is nicely presented to those that sit through the entire spot!).
Who knows, maybe this type of product works differently - Its not everyday that you see a religion trying to acquire 'new users' through television advertising.
The Search
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