Wednesday, August 26, 2009

British PSA Against Texting and Driving

Ok. This is quite graphic. But that is the point.

We all know that we shouldn't be using our cell phones while driving, but I think it takes a video like this really hit home why we shouldn't.

Put together by a BBC producer & director, this video is part of a larger drama produced for the Gwent Police Department (just outside of London).

Here is some footage of MSNBC discussing the PSA. Sounds like it is already quite a hit (no pun intended). Donny Deutsch even pipes at 2:30 with his thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. just conducted a follow up study with 205 viewers of a Public Service Announcement (PSA) from the U.K. illustrating the dangers of texting and driving. Results showed that the overwhelming majority of viewers (85%) reported that in the last week, they had reduced the amount of text and mobile messages sent while driving as a result of the video. More in-depth results can be viewed at
